Thursday, 2 April 2015

Arjun Sahasranamam

Arjun, Appu, Putta, Chinnu, Kunju, Appu2, Potato, and how can I forget the Veerabhadreshwara, Vinayaka et al.

With a small nudge from the doc's forceps, he came into my life...well much before that...but you know what I mean. It didn't occur to me to ask the gender of my baby, I knew Arjun had arrived. The first of his sahasranama was decided many months ago.  As the nurse revealed the valiant albeit crying Arjun to his grandma he was christened again "Appu". Recognition, maybe,dawned on him as he stopped crying, acknowledged the name with a sharp look and promptly resumed his duty.

Within the next few hours he proceeded to make me understand who's the boss. I was his designated milk bottle at his beck and call. After a few days I was amused to notice that I and mom had begun to act as if we were experts on his behavior. Visitors were treated to nuggets of insight ....he always likes to sleep on his right side...he likes to be held upright...It seemed as if we knew him for ages and not 2 days. Of course he kept us in check..a few unexplained wails were enough to bring our soaring confidences to reality...ethe puthari aanu..this is new rice..unpredictable.

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