Saturday, 9 May 2015

The Orphan

I walked on the lush green grass
As memories danced in me
Of years gone by and lifes lived
Of tears and smiles, real and imagined.

I walked on the lush green grass
Awash with the echoes of my past
If time could walk back a while
If I could face them with a brave smile.

I walked on the lush green grass
Imagining with foolish hope
I would find out why they had gone            
I then would not feel like this leaf, lost and alone.

I walked on the lush green grass
Waking up as if from a dream
You came to me from prayers sown
You took seven steps and claimed me your own.

I walked on the lush green grass
And revisited our first kiss
The sweet notes of love shared
The reality of our souls bared.

I walked on the lush green grass
With you my love at my side
No worries as you hold my hand
No longer an orphan in this land.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, please do check my other posts..just started last month

  2. Wonders of Motherhood,

    How Appu brought out the hidden star in his Amma!

  3. Could relate to few lines... Brilliant work... Keep it up...

  4. Time past and future tense
    History and mystery.
    Only love is the saviour
    The orphan becomes the giver... :-)

  5. The lines "No worries as you hold my hand
    No longer an orphan in this land." are just so soulful. Welcome to the creative world of blogging, Anjali.
    And this is definitely a creative poem.

  6. Very nice

  7. Such beautiful lines to read

    Visiting you via Writer's Ezine

  8. Simple, elegant and uncluttered....ergo beautiful

  9. Simple, elegant and uncluttered....ergo beautiful
