Friday, 31 July 2015


My friend Ajay has written a wonderful poem titled A Lazy Yawn on his blog. It is an interesting address to the Sun. While reading his poem, I thought of how the Sun might reply. Here is how I see it.


Good morning Aj
A top of the morning to you
Your shiny pate and attitude
Tell me you consider it a boon
Lazing in the party of the moon.

Chronic bachelor?
Tales of my offsprings abound in your myths
Dare say some are true
Every time I think of rest
One of them springs on me in jest.

Aj the dad
Like you, I dream of a sunless day
My head buried below the pillow
But no use, for here she comes - Aditi
My mom...what a pity!

Arise, awake, she cries
Go do your duty, you fool!
The world lies in wait for you
If that does not give you wings
Look at the sweet trouble he springs.

Ha ha Aj, Ishaan's awake
I see your tiny tot
My wish, your yawn, hold no avail
Your sleepy days are numbered
Gone are the days when you slumbered.


  1. heheheh! Yea true .. Ishaan's awake as early as 4 am. I have never in my wildest dreams imagined that i will wake up at 4 am.
    this was a lovely gesture of u writing a post as a reply to my post. Thanks @anjali

  2. I have linked this page to my poem. thanks again.
